23 May, 2005


I am stumped at what our government will do to get people to do. Now they want people to buy half a house. OK, you can buy the other half if and when you can afford it. But really, who wants to own half a house especially when you have to pay rent on the other half. Yes it will make it easy for first time buyers to get one foot, no I shall say one toe on the ladder because that's all you really have on this ladder to owning your own home. With the price rises of owning your own home set to rise another by two or three per cent in the next six months. It is becoming clear even the average working man is being priced out of the housing market. The other thing the government have forgotten about is affordable housing and affordable rents. When are the government going to do something for the 49% of people who live in rented accommodation? Who are finding their rents going up every few months Are the government doing anything for these people because I never hear them say this is what we propose for people who are rent and what about the people that can't get accommodation I don't hear them saying anything. We elected this government not only to help first time buyers but to help all those that need it. Lets not keep forgetting we do have a minority of people that do need help.
We also have a majority of people that want their government to serve.

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