28 February, 2006
Big brother
27 February, 2006
God I'm at it again just thinking
26 February, 2006
Tired of tea towel al a carte

24 February, 2006
The fear of going cold turkey

Whatever problem it was that made them this way they will have to face eventually but the fact is they have to now learn to live in a world of reality where people do get hurt by everyday things. It's easy to say but hard to do and I should know. The thing is it can be done and you can live a normal life. When I hear people say we are what we are and we can't change I get so angry because I changed and learned new things.
22 February, 2006
The prince speaks
21 February, 2006
20 February, 2006
Political tools my opinion
Politicians stand there in the houses of parliament and say this and that because people go to their surgeries and tell them of the problems they're facing and all politicians can really do is talk about it in the house. These surgeries only happen once a month and then only a few people can attend and that's not enough time to hear what most people have to say. I think in the future the web will do away with politicians surgeries as more and more people become used to using emails and such. The question of can you get your points across to the vast majority is yes but that is not the real question. The question is will they read what's being said after all if twenty seven thousand people voted for you and eighteen thousand send you emails that's a lot of emails. Common sense tells me that all emails will have a heading say law and order or health issues. It goes without saying if politicians can get their message across this way. So can the people. Does the web have a future as a political tool? I think so. Will more MPs use web blogs? I believe so. Will I keep on blogging? You bet
18 February, 2006
In a sort of reflective mood.
16 February, 2006
Anything is possible
14 February, 2006
New technology
13 February, 2006
Reply to comment
I've experienced that people choose their way of living by themselves... Nobody can help such a person if he or she doesn't do anything self... I do wish to help a man I love but he doesn't move to the same aim - to his better life - together with me...What can I do
As the agony aunt would say talk, just sit down and talk.
We all seem to sit and watch TV lately the first thing I am asked on most days is did you watch that program last night. From what I know based on my personal experience is we sit and cuddle on the setee but don't hardly speak. We say we love each other but really don't communicate it enough. It's alright to have that bond between two people but sometimes it can become a one sided affair. Everyone has the same problem, even homeless people. Relationships are even tougher to maintain and remember they don't have twenty four hour TV. So talk about things, even work. The more you know about what's going on in your lives the better equipped you will be live it together. If any of this makes sense to you? Let me know
12 February, 2006
Just thinking out loud
10 February, 2006
Out of action for a week or so

Well, I'm now out of action for about a week or so because I have had some micro surgery to remove tiny bits of bone from my knee. All this from years ago when I was so stoned that I fell down a hole and badly damaged my leg.
I often ask myself who puts a hole in the middle of a pavement in front of me? Not too worry things will be back to normal soon and I shall be dancing round like a mad man.
09 February, 2006
Me and my big mouth
These are the people that we sort of put to one side for years and years and there are still three hundred and eighty thousand of them. If only has always been the question on most peoples lips but lets start using the words we'll try this first and learn more along the way. Not the other way round. It's only by trying things that we can start to make some in roads into this problem. The never ending cycle of homelessness has to stop sometime . Why not make little in roads into it now? You never know in a hundred years it might be gone for good.
07 February, 2006
Silly blinkered me.
05 February, 2006

To look at this picture you would think this was just a bag of rubbish thrown out but it's a man asleep outside Starbucks. You could see this man had wet himself because people just stood and looked and gave that oh what a shame look. Others went on drinking their coffee. It's just another site we are so used to seeing.

What a day

What a day. Well I cooked a Sunday lunch for friends and didn't poison them, which must be a first for me. Cleaned my flat and done most of my washing. Now that's is a miracle so I have been told. Then we went to the West End for a walk and to take some photo's of homeless people and I came across this man. Sober but still begging. Most would see this as degrading but to him it's survival, a way to get by. How can we stop this from happening to others is the question I am always asking. It seems nobody knows and if I am truthful when I was on the streets I was grateful for every penny that people gave me. The thing that I see is that even this can become a way of life. A habit if you like and we all know habits are hard to break. As I get on the bus to go home I'm left with a tinge of sadness because I remember what it's like to be in his place. Once again I am grateful that my life has changed and I can look back and say yes that was me once.
03 February, 2006
02 February, 2006
Welfare reform my opinion
If you look at things logically. There's nothing to give people that hope they need and if this government think that by taking away the little extra people get. They will be in for a huge loss at the next election because people will not stand for it. This new reform they are trying to put through is new Labour forcing the issue again and we have been here before. As I have said if this goes through parliament. It will be just another load of statistics to add to an ever growing unemployment cue and the outcome to that is the poorer get poorer.
How can get people back to work? Well for start don't touch benefits if someone goes to college to learn IT skills or something that relates to getting into employment. Don't touch incapacity benefit if someone is willing to work but can't. Define what is a medical illness. It's this area that has a lot of grey for instance drug addiction is an illness but can be cured over time. Just like most illnesses. But someone who has lets say permanent injuries like broken arms and legs that are pinned. These sometimes never heal.
I think I read that there are jobs people can do. There are jobs people can do that are unemployed but until this government set a decent wage standard and start helping reduce things like local councils taxes and fuel costs then every few years I think we will always hear about welfare reform and the need to save money. Another thing is, there are three hundred and eighty thousand hidden homeless. The more you help them now, like getting affordable rents. Reducing the number in hostels and bed and breakfasts. Millions will be saved later. There are several ways to improve things in this country . The fact is this government are not prepared to spend money now to save huge sums later. They'd rather take more money from people now to save for today. What about the rainy days? Believe me I see storms in the future.
01 February, 2006
Just reflecting
I was watching a film about Rosa Parkes the black woman from Alabama USA. She refused to give up her seat on a bus in a time when all black people were segregated. If we all followed her example and did what we thought was right. We wouldn't be in such a mess. This is one crazy world we live in and there's is enough of it for everyone . So the question I ask is does it really matter that much if it's called Palestine or Israel, northern Ireland or southern Ireland? The important thing is life and to live it well. What ever colour or religion. Even if you don't have one. Life and living it should be the most important thing of all because we only have one to live.
Well, that's me having one of my moments which seem to come more often as I get older and older. I don't think I get any wiser I just get a little better at understanding what I already know.