05 December, 2005

Volunteers required

As Christmas comes ever closer and the homeless start to look forward to the only time of year they don't have to worry about finding a card board box or blankets or which shop doorways they are sleeping in. Crisis the homeless charity are now gearing up for them but to pull off another successful Christmas help is needed and this is where you the public come into your own.
Around 1500 will spend seven days at the crisis open Christmas and most will need some kind of help from being welcomed to being shown where the doctor, dentist or opticians are. Too just having a normal conversation. Christmas is about giving and compassion.
So if you are spending another Christmas on your own or you are you doing nothing special this Christmas or even if you have only a couple of days to spare. Become a volunteer for crisis you'd be surprised at what you'd get out of it. Not only would you get the satisfaction of doing something worth while. But you would meet so many amazing people, guests and volunteers. I have been a volunteer myself and wouldn't miss a Christmas. To find out more go to crisis.org.uk . You can apply on line. Hope to see you there.

1 comment:

womble said...

Jamie, if you can make it down to Quiet South one night, I'd love to meet up with you for a chat. I'll be there every night shift for the week.