30 August, 2005

I did it again

Well, I did it again. What I did? I haven't got a bloody clue, but my girlfriend did, she broke up with me again. She did it with the words "you just couldn't do it could you? You, you had to go sit and write something on that bloody computer of yours. You couldn't leave it alone for a couple of days. Thinking I was being clever said well, the banks are now opening on bank holidays so they can give poor people like yourself more unwanted loans. Ironic don't you think. That bank holidays will have new meaning and I think I should write about it. While it's fresh in my mind and besides you know I'd do anything you ask. I'd go to the ends of the earth for you if you asked me to. I thought that was a really good answer. It was when she said could you do it now. I got the distinct feeling something was in the air. So that was my bank holiday Monday. Oh and it was all my fault. So I dare not tell it was LLoyds or Barclays fault.

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Roberto Iza Valdés said...
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