10 November, 2005

Winter shelters

As we all know winter is upon us. The dark nights and cold that are part of the winter season can be hazardous for homeless people especially if your old or sick. Quite few years ago the government implemented a policy were homeless people could go in to cold weather ( rolling shelters) but as the years have gone by and the winters have gotten milder. Cold weather shelters run by government have halted and the funding ceased.
Churches have been the main stay of this sort of help needed in winter. The fact that 35 or more homeless people are turned away each night and the other thing to note is that each shelter is at a different location every night should be saying something to the government.
As usual I am asking questions like should housing even for one night be left solely to charities and churches?
The government say they are committed to helping all members of society yet once again the most vulnerable are excluded from the help that is needed. Maybe and I do think this could be quite beneficial to all concerned that if the government were to reopen or reintroduce a severe weather shelter policy that they could infact get a good guide on how many people are actually sleeping rough. What part of the country they come from ect, I am now waiting for a reply from various sources as to what provisions are in place in cases of severe weather as I understand that severe weather is forecast by some just after Christmas.

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